Thank you to everyone who attended our public information meetings about the bond issue. We appreciate your time and interest.
NOTE – Voting for this proposal will take place at your local voting precinct (wherever you go to vote for an election). It will not be at the school.
Click below for information regarding proposed improvements to roofing and parking lots.
Pictured above is the proposed additional parking lot on the west side of the elementary building.
Click below for information regarding the proposed Laker Innovation Center and related improvements to the woodshop and ag classroom areas.
The current shop area.
The proposed Innovation Center area.
Click below for information regarding proposed improvements to heating and cooling, utilities, classroom improvements and other interior renovations.
Click below for information about the proposed school security improvements.
Click the image above for financial information regarding the proposed bond and sinking fund.
Click the image above to see a comparison of the Laker bond proposal with other school proposals. It shows how your tax dollars stack up against other districts with proposals.